My Zenit 12xp

Half a year ago I did a small article in Portuguese about my Zenit 12xp camera. It ended up as being one of my most popular articles so I decided to translate it to English.

ZenitThe Zenit 12XP is a soviet built SLR from the 80s, being the export version of the Zenit 12.

Because I already owned several M42 lens that were used in my DSLR, I started looking for a camera that used this very same system and I managed to find one online available for trade.
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A new roll on an old camera

Yesterday it was a very cold night, but with clear weather. I just took the opportunity to go to downtown and finish a roll of T-Max 100 shot on a Yashica Mat EM.
I’m planning on processing it with the Parodinal and fixer made on the workshop.

Will post the results as soon as possible.

Homebrewed chems – Parodinal

Last saturday I had a small workshop regarding home made developers and fixers and came home with a couple of bottles of the stuff.

Its about time that I start taking control of processing and not just click the shutter button.