These past few days I’ve done some film processing using the Parodinal created at the MDOT workshop.
Thinks seem to be going pretty well. These are the preliminary scans of some films, processed with Rodinal tables and scanned with the Helmut film scanner.
I did my setup on the house kitchen, tried to use household items when possible. Things like a small digital scale, crude volume measuring jugs and a church key were my friends on this task.
I measured liquids by weight and it wasn’t all that bad, specially because the jugs don’t have the necessary precision to measure volumes as little as 9ml.
Processed most of them with 1+25 of Parodinal, with exception of the biker boy that was processed with 1+50 because I wanted to save some of that developer. Here I must thank that there is such an app as the Massive Dev Chart Timer. I know there are free solutions, but I don’t regret buying this one. Besides giving me the developing times, it also helps with math by telling me how processor much I must use to fill my tanks.
The next step? To scan these with proper tools.
Down below are some pictures of the results. The next step is to try and do some decent scans.